The traditional method of making starters, known since the ancient Egypt, is approached in a modern way by mixing rich protein organic flour ground in a stone mill with 100% hydration, without adding additives and artificial flavours.
Long fermentation (at least one week for young starter to mature) is encouraged, starting from the contact of flour with water and air, accompanied with favourable temperature conditions (hot water, room temperature and certain external weather conditions) and time length.
Wild yeast fungi, found in flour, ferment starch and form lactic acid bacteria (enzymes). The enzymes begin to break down complex sugars from flour into simple ones. In this fermentation process, lactic and acetic acids (responsible for the aroma, easier digestion), carbon dioxide (allows the bread to rise and air) and alcohol ethanol (which evaporates during baking) are produced.
In the starter, the ratio of lactic acid bacteria and wild yeast fungi is 100:1.
The strength and maturity of the starter is defined by the pH value, where 4.2 is the pH value of the young starter, increasing with each supplement (flour and water), while 3.9 pH is the value of mature dough and dough ready to make levaine (pre-dough) or sour dough). It is under these pH conditions that pathogenic micro-organisms cannot survive. This also gives freshness and longevity to the sour dough.

Sour dough is a dough made from starters, flour and water in a certain ratio, and certain methods of developing a gluten network and shaping prepare for the final bakery product.
Sour dough bread has a thick, elastic and airy-honeycomb structure and a crispy golden-brown crust, rich in aromas and flavours, as well as great nutritional value.