Everything is done by hand and from zero, quality ingredients and respect for the length of the manufacturing process are the most important factors in production. The process includes the renewal (feeding) of the starter, preparation for making sourdough dough, mixing, processing and shaping techniques, and even baking.
We work with large amounts of starter, so after the feeding process we leave it for longer and cold fermentation (at least 16 hours), when it is re-fed (starter : flour : water ratio is 1:3:3) and mixed in a mixer, distributed in larger containers where continues fermentation in the mass for the next four hours at room temperature.

In the end, the so-called score method (slicing bread to open during baking and allowing CO2 gas to come out) is applied.
The dough is then placed to rest for 12-16 hours in a cold chamber where it is exposed to the retardation process
(slowing down fermentation during which various aromatic compounds and a lower percentage of gluten are formed).
The production process ends with removal from the chamber and baking.
Shape methods
During this process of bulk fermentation, the dough is processed every hour in order to bring oxygen (accelerate fermentation) and develop the strength of the dough (by developing an elastic gluten network). It includes various methods of folding the dough (pulling the ends towards the middle, the so-called stretch and fold or folding under, the so-called coin fold).
After the completion of fermentation in the mass, the dough is weighed to certain measures, the so-called slick method (depending on the type of a final product) and then we move to the so-called shape method – shaping by using one of three basic forms:
boule (round bread)
batard (oblong loaf shape)
baguette (long and thin shape)