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More complex, rich taste, different aromatic compounds.

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Higher nutritional values (fermentation breaks down phytic acid, which is found naturally in grain and prevents the absorption of nutrients, minerals and vitamins).  Sourdough bread is therefore more digestible and nutritious (it can contain a good amount of minerals such as potassium, phosphate, magnesium and zinc).

Free of additives, artificial colours and flavours.


More useful and nutritious for our overall health.

Prolonged freshness (up to five days) due to lactic and acetic acids.

Lower perishability of the products due to the acidic pH of the starter, in which conditions pathogenic bacteria (such as mould) cannot survive.

Taste and composition due to which you’ll feel full in no time.

Lower percentage of gluten because lactic acid bacteria break down glutenin and gliadin – the two proteins that make up gluten. In this form, gluten is easier to digest and does not create a feeling of bloating.

It stimulates a lower GI (glycaemic index) because fermentation has broken down some of the starch, so the pancreas does not have to secrete enough insulin to regulate blood sugar. It does not stimulate sudden spikes in blood sugar, so it is good for metabolic health.



corn bread

rye royal

spelt bread



grandpa's bread


pain au campagne



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